How do you easily break concrete?

By |2022-03-25T04:35:31+00:00March 25th, 2022|Concrete Cutting Equipment|

Although people typically think a jackhammer is needed, much of the time, at least for personal use, that tool is not available, please visit Professional Concrete Cutting to learn more. Besides, a sledgehammer swung hard can easily get the job done. 

What is a concrete chisel?

By |2022-03-25T04:34:38+00:00March 25th, 2022|Concrete Cutting Equipment|

It is a precision tool used for very clean splits in a concrete slab. A standard chisel has a tapered, wedge-shaped end with a flat top upon which force is applied via a hammer of some sort in order to force the concrete apart. Visit:

How far apart do you cut concrete?

By |2022-03-25T04:33:24+00:00March 25th, 2022|Concrete Cutting Equipment|

Though it depends largely on climate and location, a good rule is to cut the slab as far as 2 to 3 times its thickness converted into feet, please visit Professional Concrete Cutting. For example, for a 4 inch thick slab, a good cutting range would be 8 to 12 feet.

When should you cut concrete?

By |2022-03-25T04:31:34+00:00March 25th, 2022|Concrete Cutting Equipment|

Timing is everything. Concrete should be cut as soon it can be sawed cleanly without dislodging or damaging surrounding materials or bits of slab please visit Professional Concrete Cutting. This typically means cutting should be done six to 18 hours after a standard mixture is poured. Never cut concrete after 24 hours have passed. 

What tool is used for cutting concrete?

By |2022-03-18T00:46:56+00:00March 18th, 2022|Concrete Cutting Equipment|

A concrete saw is a power tool that is used for cutting concrete, tiles, asphalt, and other solid materials. It is also known as consaw or road saw. The blades of a concrete saw are diamond tipped that owes to its easy cutting through hard materials. Concrete saws are more powerful than conventional saws visit:

What harm does cement dust cause in itself?

By |2022-06-15T07:43:05+00:00March 9th, 2022|Concrete Cutting Equipment|

Dust rising from cement powder affects the human body from three vital aspects. These are eyes, skin and lungs. Eyes. If you regularly work with cement without personal protective equipment, then the lacrimal glands take the blow. Thus, the protective mechanisms of the body are activated, namely the protection of the eyeballs from a dangerous

What is good about clay plaster

By |2022-11-14T03:35:10+00:00February 4th, 2022|Concrete Cutting Equipment|

Almost all packages of modern plaster mixes are labelled as environmentally friendly. And in most cases this is true. And yet they often contain synthetic additives that give the material plasticity, frost resistance, increased strength and other beneficial properties. Clay plasters consist entirely of natural materials: clay itself, sand and fillers such as sawdust, straw,

Step by Step Guide on How to Cut Concrete with Rebar

By |2021-08-18T02:34:45+00:00August 2nd, 2021|Concrete Cutting Equipment|

Rebar is normally used with concrete to provide stability and resilience to structural concrete-like foundations and walls that need tremendous strength for durability. But there are many times that one finds the need to modify the concrete structure. Cutting through concrete that has rebar has over the years proven to be a challenge.

Concrete Saw- Do it safely

By |2017-06-06T21:59:01+00:00May 13th, 2017|Concrete Cutting Equipment|

Safety Issues When Working With Concrete Saws Power tools can be extremely dangerous, especially those that are used for concrete saw cutting. Power saws, in particular, need to be handled with care and respect, because the blade can cause a lot of damage. Safety is a primary issue to consider before picking up any type